Tuesday 28 October 2014

Sherlock Holmes - Crimes and Punishment review

Its been a while since I have written a review, (which I need to get in the habit of writing more) but now here is my latest one.  My latest review is based on the PS4 game Sherlock Holmes, Crimes and Punishments.

For me, this game was a breath of fresh air.  It had so many elements to this game to not only keep me playing the game, but to keep me interested in playing the game.  From the outset, you are playing as the protagonist Sherlock Holmes, and your goal is to solve six murders, thefts and more throughout the game.  The good thing about this game is that it isn't something simple like finding things, determining the killer and there you go, but it is a more complex way of figuring out the murders.  It also has elements of the TV show Sherlock, where Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch) takes one look at the person and he knows who the person is.  In the games case, they use that example, but makes it more interesting.

The investigations themselves are always different.  There is never a recurring theme throughout which is one of the reasons why I liked this game so much.  Yes, there are interrogations and also finding evidence, but you are bound to have to do that in order for the game to progress.  I found Sherlock Holmes as a character to be quite likeable, along with Dr Watson.  You also get to interact with Holmes' dog Toby in a couple of the investigations.  

The investigation are also quite fun to play.  You can go from giving someone an autopsy one minute, to trying to figure out how someone can disappear in the blink of an eye the next, which is why I mentioned that the investigations are so different.  They give you plenty of people to suspect, which makes the game more difficult, so that you really have to think about who killed who and who is innocent.  There are many endings to this game.  Like Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls, you can come up with an ending which you believe should have happened, and there will always be consequences with whatever you choose.  There isn't necessarily a right or wrong judgement in this game, however it gives you the opportunity to go back to the game in the future where if you see the investigation differently, there will always be another ending for you to choose. 

Finally, my opinion on this game is that If you are a person who isn't really a big fan of multi-player, and who just wants a good story based game, then this one is definitely for you.  Also, if you are a fan of the TV show, then this game will be right up your alley.  For me, I really enjoyed this game.  I purposely strung it out because I didn't really want to it end sooner.  If someone said to me, would you play it again?  Then my answer would be a definite YES.

If you're interested in buying this game, and want to see the trailer.  Then you can do so by clicking HERE.

Disclaimer: Nobody asked me to review this game.  All thoughts are my own.

Sunday 5 October 2014

Pre-Release review of Endgame by James Frey (Spoiler free)

The other day I, among a few others, were lucky enough to review a book.  This book being called Endgame, which was written by author James Frey (A Million Little Pieces, My Friend Leonard) along with Nils Johnson-Shelton.  I thought, this would be a perfect way to introduce book reviews to my blog, as I am of yet to review one. 

Here is a quick synopsis of the book:

The Day I received Endgame!
Endgame is real. Endgame is now. Endgame has begun.
Twelve ancient cultures were chosen millennia ago to represent humanity in Endgame, a global game that will decide the fate of humankind. Endgame has always been a possibility, but never a reality… until now. Twelve meteorites have just struck Earth, each meteorite containing a message for a Player who has been trained for this moment. At stake for the Players: saving their bloodline, as well as the fate of the world. And only one can win.
Google Niantic is building a mobile location-based augmented reality videogame inextricably tied to the books and mythology, a major prize will be tied to a puzzle in each book, and Twentieth Century Fox has bought the movie rights.
Read the Books. Find the Clues. Solve the Puzzle. Who will Win?

So, lets get started.  From the outset, I knew this was going to be a different book from any that I have read before.  That being said, I just want to clear up a matter before continuing with my review.  Before I sat down and read this book, I did a little research and what came up most was the fact that this book was just another copy of the 'Hunger Games'.  Well, I can say right now that this book is a completely different book from the Hunger games, which shouldn't in no way deter you from reading Endgame.  The whole story, the way the story is set out, and how the story progresses is in an entire world of it's own, and while I was reading this, I didn't compare it, or thought it was similar to the Hunger games in any way.

Okay, now that's out of the way, let's get back to it.  I don't know whether the author intentionally wrote in this style, or whether it is his usual style, but Frey likes to write in a very blunt and straightforward manner, whereby he writes in full.  Also, whenever he mentioned numbers, he never rounded them up, instead keeping the exact figure of the number(s) instead.  This, I found to be a little weird, but necessary for the progression of the book.  He likes to use full stops quite a lot to make a point and to create suspense.  In the beginning, I found this method to be a tad annoying, but after a while, I soon got used to it, and thought that this is one of the many reasons why I liked the book so much.

The story is about twelve people, from twelve different bloodlines across the earth, who has been selected to play in a contest called 'Endgame', which is a game that specialises in determining the fate of mankind.  The objective of Endgame is to find three keys that have been placed somewhere on the earth.  The twelve players must battle each other to find these keys, not just to save themselves, but to also save their bloodline from extinction.  Whoever finds these keys, wins and therefore survives Endgame.  

What I like about this book, is that it is told through all of the protagonists in this book, and not just one person.  This gives us, the reader, an idea into every individuals mindsets and feelings, and therefore you can make an overall judgement on every character participating in Endgame.  The only problem I found with this book is that for the first few chapters, up until Endgame begins, it is a very slow moving book.  I was finding it quite difficult to stay with the story, but I'm glad I did.  As soon as the contest began for the protagonists, the book became exciting and a page turner, with many twists and turns along the way to keep you gripped and unable to stop until the end.  Another little bit of excitement is that James Frey includes a little treasure hunt within the pages of the book.  All you have to do is decipher the code(s) throughout the book, once you do that, it should lead you to a location where you could find something VERY special!

Overall, despite the slowness at the beginning of the book, this is well worth a read.  I think the suspense of the book is enough for you to carry on reading it until the end.  This story is completely different from what I have read before.  This isn't the type of book that I normally read, but now I've read it, it gives me some encouragement to read more like it.

If you are interested in this book, and would like to watch a teaser trailer on it, you can click through to YouTube here... 
Also, If you liked this review and want to give the book a read also, the link to find Endgame on Amazon can be found here...

This book will also be available as an audio download, for those of you that find that listening to books works better for you. :)

Disclaimer:  I was asked to review Endgame.  All thoughts on this book are my own.

Friday 19 September 2014

Game Review of Murdered: Soul Suspect (PS3)

Today's review will be game based.  I was stuck with two games to review, and I was undecided up until about an hour ago with which one would I go with.  However, I decided that I will review the other game the next time a game review comes up.  But for now, I'm going to go with....

I had high hopes for this game.  I first saw the trailer on YouTube and I thought hmm yea this looks like a good one, so I ended up buying it on PS3 from my local supermarket.  I myself is more of a story person rather than a multi-player gamer, which meant that this game fit me perfectly.  Also this game has two types of themes which is detective work and is also a horror type game that are two favourites of mine to play.  So just by looking at this game, I thought that this would be one of the best games of the year for me to play.  

Boy was I wrong...

On the outset, the game is Set in the famous town of Salem Massachusetts , and you play as the protagonist, Ronan O'Connor throughout the game.  Basically, your job is to try and figure out the serial killer's identity.  The only thing is that you're doing the detective work...as a ghost.  In the opening scene, the serial killer wastes no time in throwing you out the window and also shooting you to make sure you're dead.  Lovely.  After your death, there is a cut scene where Ronan's wife makes one of her rare appearances in the story to tell him that he cant join her until he has completed his 'unfinished business', which in the end becomes the story that we embark on throughout the game.  With the help of a teenage girl (who happens to be a medium and can see ghosts) by the name of Joy Foster, together they go on this LITTLE adventure to figure out who murdered you.  

As a ghost, you mainly wasn't limited to where you could go, because you're a ghost at the end of the day and ghosts can travel mostly anywhere... apart from one small detail.  Unless you make someone open a main door for you to pass through.  You cannot enter.  I for one thought that ghosts can travel through any door you wanted, but nope you're not allowed.  

Secondly, the game liked to repeat some of the missions when you do get into a building, when from then on, you can pass through any wall and any door you please (why thank you for being generous).  This came in the form of these evil spirit type entities that liked to prey on 'pure souls' if you want to call it that.  The only way for you to 'kill' them is by sneaking up on them without them noticing and getting them that way.  That's it.  Try not to make it any more difficult for us why don't you, but I'll have more detail on difficulty later.  The next thing which recurs a lot, which was the only relevant thing and less annoying parts of the game was the decision making points of the game.  Your job was to, as a detective, come to some decision into what the right parts of the case is relevant to you finding your killer.  Therefore, you had to choose three bits of information, which in searching for evidence from the likes of rooms and bodies, to come to some conclusion to which path you need to go on next.  I didn't mind to do this, but to a point.  I may have said this was one of the 'less' annoying parts, didn't mean I enjoyed doing it over and over again.

Lastly, I come to the trophies.  I have NEVER in my like played a game where it was so EASY to pick up a trophy.  For example, you complete something as little as an interrogation and get the three parts to the information right, you receive a trophy.  You could easily complete all trophies in this game, and even if you didn't before the final 'battle' scene (if I can call it that) it gives you an opportunity to complete them if you missed some as it doesn't let you go back to town once the final sequence is played.  In my opinion, I think that's a bit stupid.

So overall, If I wasn't stupid enough to not watch the game play of this game before I bought it, I wouldn't have got it.  The game is a bit too simplistic for my liking and I expected it to be HARDER than what it was.  As I said before, the trophies are too easy to earn and also the repetitiveness in the game gets to boring and annoying for me to even be interested in playing the game again.  Basically, as the story progresses, you just repeat things but in different situations, like they may increase the evil spirits in one level and not have as many in another.  Well, it's okay doing that, but at least make it harder for us to kill them, because it's too easy.  The final point that I want to make is that the story was too short.  I think I might have started and finished this game in two days, baring in mind I stopped playing on one day and started it again the next.  I like games which can keep you going with the story for days on end and to not get bored, but I'm afraid this game comes up short. 

Thank you for reading, and I hope you like it. Like yesterday, I'll leave the trailer for the game below if you wish to see it...

All the best, 

Jodie x

Disclaimer:  No one asked me to review this, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Thursday 18 September 2014

The Host

Hello again!  I'm going to begin with a review of a movie which came out a couple of years ago.  Although many people have probably either read the book or seen the film and know exactly what it's all about, I decided that as a first time viewer of the film and, not having yet read the book, to review it.  So, without further ado, the first film that I have chosen to review is....

Based on the book by Author Stephanie Meyer, who also wrote Twilight, comes a completely different concept from it's predecessor i.e. taking out the vampires and replacing it with Alien-infested humans with very bright eyes.  I thought the concept was good, as it's something that we have never seen before film wise and the actors carried the film pretty well, however I feel that like any film adapted from a book, the film will always lack some important parts which could be vital to the book.

Luckily, I have never read the book, which gives me a bit more lee way to be less sceptical about this film.  Sometimes, I felt like there were parts of the story which was missing while I was watching it.  More of that later, but for now, lets focus on the main character or should I say characters which are Melanie/Wanderer.  Both characters are played quite well by Saoirse Ronan.  The two characters are in themselves the opposite to one another.  While Wanderer (who is the soul that takes refuge inside Melanie's body) has only known to be truthful and trustworthy with her fellow souls, Melanie is a very strong character who, when being used as a host, doesn't back down like she should have done.  Together, they find the will to survive, and eventually find Melanie's Uncle Jeb and her boyfriend Jared played by William Hurt and Max Irons respectfully.  

As I expected, they took in Wanderer for what she is, however what I liked about how they did it, was at first they rejected her regardless of it being Melanie's body or not.  The only thing that I did find a little bit odd that for a 'teen movie' the kissing scenes were a little bit TOO heated.  In a way, I'm not really sure that that is the right message to teenage girls watching this movie should receive. And also for the fact that Melanie/Wanderer ends up kissing two guys in the space of 30 seconds.  I was watching it thinking to myself  "Yes, I know there's 'two of you', but please just choose one guy and be done with it!"  I just found that a little too weird for my liking.

Back to earlier, when I said that I felt that the story was missing.  There were elements of flashbacks which was a recurring feature throughout the film.  Yes, I know that Wanderer can delve into her hosts memories etc, but I think that some of the flashbacks should have been developed to be put into the film properly.  The reason being is that you only see Melanie and Jared meet and then the next flashback is a kissing scene.  What I would have liked to have seen is a scene or two where you actually see their relationship move from a friendship to a romance, rather than two mini scenes which don't really show you anything.  I understand that for the hosts purposes of giving the information to the seeker is why they did it that way, but that is only my opinion.

Overall, did I like the film?  I can actually say that regardless of the bad reviews on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes, I did actually like the film.  I like how it's a new concept and not a reboot of a series (which in my opinion is just stupid)  I also like the actors who played the characters, especially Saoirse Ronan, who in playing two different characters and integrating that into scenes, did especially well.  I must admit, that I bought this DVD on a whim, but I don't regret doing it, because although there are some flaws with this movie, I would watch it again.

Well, that's my first review done. I hope you like it! 

Until tomorrow, 

Jodie x

 Disclosure: No one asked me to review this film.  All opinions were my own. 

Also, if you haven't yet seen the film, and would like to, I have posted the trailer for it below. I would recommend watching the trailer on the computer as it doesn't seem to work on mobile for some reason, but I just thought I'd give you a heads up :)

Wednesday 17 September 2014

The beginnings of a new blogging life?

Hello there people of the internet.  Let me introduce myself.  My name is Jodie and I live in the United Kingdom.  I was advised by my sister Marie and my best friend Charlotte that I should start a blog...so here I am.

My brother Tony on the far left, my good friend George next to him, I'm the one with the glasses and Charlotte is on the end.
I'm 21, nearly 22 years old and I live with my mum, dad and brother.  I have an older sister which doesn't live with us.  Some of you may know her on her own blog as mariesspeciallittleboy who is 10 years older than me.  I also have the most amazing nephew in the world, and his name is Justin.  I absolutely adore him (He gets me to watch Peppa Pig and Thomas and friends with him all the time)  My best friends name is Charlotte and I've known her since nursery, and soon, I can also call her a new sister as she has found the love of her life in my brother Tony. 

 This blog will be focusing on three different themes that I myself, and maybe you feel the same as me, but I feel that I most enjoy these.  The three themes are games, films and books.  Books will be the main topic.  The reason for that is that I have always been a fan of reading, even before I could read properly.  My mum said to me once that I always used to pick up a book, and sit myself down on a chair and read the book through the pictures.  It's quite funny because neither my brother or my sister have the same passion for books as I do, but oh well, each to their own.

Films and games will get their own mention, quite regularly, especially when I do spend my money and get a PlayStation 4 hehe

Anyways, I'll leave it there for now.  Hopefully, this gives you guys a little insight into my life and the type of person I am.  Let's just hope this blogging thing takes off for me as it did for my sister.  We'll have to see...

Until then, 

Jodie x